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Dr Iveta Seimer, Deputy Director of the UK EQUATOR Centre, discusses research waste, reproducibility, and how to use reporting guidelines to make an impact. 

Poor reporting seriously affects the integrity of health research literature and critically limits the use and impact of published studies. The EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network is an international programme of work set up to improve the reliability and usability of health research publications. It provides a free online portal with essential resources for researchers, authors, journal editors, peer reviewers and everyone involved in health research and its publication. This talk outlines key problems identified in the current health research literatu.e, highlight the consequences of inadequate reporting of research and will discuss some possible solutions to improve transparency, usability and impact of research papers, including the use of reporting guidelines and other resources hosted by the EQUATOR Network.

About the speaker: Iveta joined the Centre for Statistics in Medicine in Oxford in 2006 to help establish the EQUATOR programme. Iveta has a PhD degree in Plant Genetics from Charles University in Prague and a degree in Business Administration from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne. She has a broad research and project management experience including laboratory research, development of systematic reviews and clinical and reporting guidelines. Since moving to England in 2000, she has held various research positions at the Cochrane Collaboration, Royal College of Nursing Institute, and at the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London. Iveta has a longstanding interest in improving the quality of health research studies and scientific publications.

  • prostydariusz RS1968 5 Apr 2017

    I am sure that people waste too much resources. I love the fact that you want to help!