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Strategies for developing sustainable health research capacity in Low and Middle Income Countries; a prospective, qualitative, multi-site study investigating the barriers and enablers to locally-led clinical trial conduct in Ethiopia, Cameroon, and Sri Lanka


Purpose of this article:

This article hosts the supplementary materials developed for the research study “Strategies for developing sustainable health research capacity in Low and Middle Income Countries; a prospective, qualitative, multi-site study investigating the barriers and enablers to locally-led clinical trial conduct in Ethiopia, Cameroon, and Sri Lanka”.
Attached to this article you will find: an introduction to the literature and research aims and objectives; a copy of the study protocol; and further details of the methodology. The study protocol contains versions of the data collection tools. A summary of the research questions that guided this study are presented below.
Currently there are two open access publications from this study. The main comparative findings will be published shortly. When this paper is published (open access) we will provide links to the article and share copies of individual country case reports.
We are sharing these resources as supporting documentation for the published research and also to enable others to replicate this study in their settings, if desired. If the attached resources are used for this purpose, we would appreciate their source being cited.


Current Publications:

Franzen SRP, Chandler C, Lang T. Health research capacity development in low and middle income countries: reality or rhetoric? A systematic meta-narrative review of the qualitative literature. BMJ Open 2017;7:e012332. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012332

Franzen SRP, Chandler C, Enquselassie F, Siribaddana S, Atashili J, Angus B, Lang T. Understanding the investigators: a qualitative study investigating the barriers and enablers to the implementation of local investigator-initiated trials in Ethiopia. BMJ Open, 2013: 3 e003616. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003616.

Research question:
What are the barriers and enablers to locally-led clinical trial conduct in Low and Middle Income Countries and what are the best strategies for facilitating their conduct?

The aim of this study is to produce reliable and robust evidence-based recommendations for the facilitation of locally-led clinical trials in Low and Middle Income Countries.


  1. To identify, understand, and explain the barriers and enablers to clinical trial conduct in specific LAMIC contexts, with particular emphasis on locally-led trials
  2. To compare and contrast findings from different research contexts to ascertain if any context-specific findings are transferable to similar research contexts, or more broadly generalizable
  3. To develop a conceptual framework for the development of locally-led trial capacity in LAMICs, identifying which elements are context-specific, transferable to similar settings, or more broadly generalizable
  4. To use the conceptual framework to formulate situated recommendations for the development of locally-led trial capacity in LAMICs, and to consider if these recommendations are also relevant to developing other types locally-led health research capacity in LAMICs

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