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25th April 2018 marks World Malaria Day, this year's theme is "Ready to beat malaria". This themer underscroes the collective energy and commitment of the global malaria community in uniting around the wommon goal of a world free of malaria. 
WHO key messages for WMD: 

  • Urgent action is required to get the global fight against malaria back on track 

  • On World Malaria Day 2018, WHO is calling for:

  • Expanded coverage of proven tools that are known to work - tools that have already dramatically lowered the global burden of malaria

  • Parallel investments in the research and development of new tools to accelerate the pace of prgoress.

The RBM Partnership to End Malaria has developed a campaign toolkit with materials and resources to support outreach and communication efforts around the day. 
World Health Organisation has also developed a campaign toolkit, to help you or your organisation get involved with the day. 

  • cchomba charles chomba 25 Apr 2018

    Malaria is a killer, many have died because there were no drugs for malaria. Please let us make the drugs for malaria cheaper and available!