I have an issue, I'm conducting a Vigilance Research in Respiratory Area. I need to recruit children of certain ages as the protocol. As the child come with the mother, I need to consent her mother as the child is eligible. But The mother cant read/write, so she needs a witness, and no one is near and the child must be treated. Whom must I use as a witness or I cant recruit her?
Please I would like to hear Your suggestions. 


  • merylrobi ROBI CHACHA 31 May 2021

    have the consent form explained to the mother in the simplest clear way possible for her to understand, you could even have the ICFs translated to the local language so it becomes better for explaining

  • kemotsatsi Mercy Motsatsi 24 Jan 2021

    I will read and explain the consent form as it is for the mother ,in order to make her understand. And if she agrees for the child to be treated I will give her the form to sign, since it is confidential.

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