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The 6th International Conference on Ethics Education will take place in Stellenbosch, South Africa on October 3-5, 2018. The Conference is organized under the auspices of the International Association for Education in Ethics ( The conference theme “A long walk to ethics education” resonates with the autobiography of the iconic late President of South Africa, Dr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. The conference will offer keynote addresses by Prof Henk ten Have (USA), Prof Joseph Mfutso-Bengo (Malawi), Prof Obiara Ike (Nigeria), Prof Keymanthri Moodley (South Africa) and Prof Divya Singh (South Africa), as well as master class sessions that highlight and interrogate ethics education as a complex and dynamic process characterised by life-long perseverance, courage and integrity.
The closing date for Abstract Submissions is 16 March 2018 (also see attached the Call for Abstracts). See the Conference Website ( for more information on the Conference and Abstract submissions. Alternatively, contact Prof Nico Nortje for more abstract information:
Contact Person for general enquiries:Ms Deidré Cloete (Conferences et al)Tel: +27 83 261-0207Email:
Important Dates
Early Bird Registration Opens Friday, 12 January 2018Closing Date for Abstract Submissions Friday, 16 March 2018Closing Date for Early Bird Registration Friday, 29 June 2018Closing Date for Standard (Full) Registration Friday, 7 September 2018

  • Sandra Fidelina Santos Castellanos , Medico en servicio social en Nacaome, Valle, la plataforma me parece muy interesante y didáctica ya que nos facilita el acceso a información, para poder realizar los trabajos de investigación, y estar al día con lo que son las herramientas tecnológicas que en estos tiempos son indispensables .Como investigadores debemos tener claro el objetivo del estudio lo que se desea lograr ,para asi dar a conocer a los pacientes o participantes de una manera clara, precisa y explicar a profundidad que es lo que quiero lograr y cuales son su pro y sus contra , de esta forma el paciente o participante sea consciente .