groups » Training and Continued Professional Development » CPD opportunities available to nurses and midwives working in research

It would be interesting to know about the CPD opportunities available to nurses and midwives working in research. Do you have access to good, local training? How does it compare to international or online training?
There is a great example of a CPD programme in Malawi. Everyone working as a nurse or midwife in Malawi must be registered with the Nurses and Midwives’ Council of Malawi.
The council exists to regulate nursing and midwifery education, training and practice in order to protect the public. Nurses and midwives are required to renew registration annually. In order to register, nurses and midwives must:

1. Pay an annual fee
2. Earn 30 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points, recorded in a CPD Log book.
CPD points are awarded on completion of CPD provided by trained providers at approved centres
3. Complete a staff appraisal
4. Complete a Reflective Practice task
5. Share a learning action plan

More information about what must be included in CPD and how points are earned can be found on the Nurses’ and Midwives’ website.

An example of CPD knowledge , skills and attitudes as required for nurses working in research and development are to show:

administrative and communication skills
ability to write ethical research and funding proposals
evaluate and critique published research
ability to apply research to practice
values, beliefs and culture of research
an education resource for others in finding and using research
seek learning and research opportunities to develop the nursing profession and improve standards of care.

Do you have a similar CDP programme where you are?


  • nicolamchugh Nicola McHugh 6 Nov 2014

    Jane Frances Ndyetukira told us that nurses currently dont have any CPD programs in Uganda. We only pay an annual fee for renewal of registration practice with the uganda nurses and midwifes council.

  • Hellow Sheila,

    Congratulations for the step you have made in Pakistan. At our place research nurses work in the Institutes of research and receive training such as Good Clinical Practice(GCP) for free and not much. The CPD I have explain above is intended to be for the University college students in our area and not specific for the worker including research nurses. I have work for more than ten years now in the research field, much I do is to work with other researchers to implement the protocol which is already develop with minor involvement in adjusting it, Its higher time now to first request for more nurses to join research so as we may for a team which can do something independently for nurses and share with other nurses around the global. Its one effort to look for more with less support from the medical counter part. I have learn a lot from others including you since I join Global Health Network.

    With best regards,

    Elisabeth F. Msoka, MSc,BSc,RN
    Research Nurse

  • shelahirani shelahirani 5 Nov 2014

    Hello everyone,

    I am Shela Hirani nurse educator cum researcher from Karachi, Pakistan. In our context, research nurse is offered training on courses like research ethics, research designes, statistical analysis and proposal writing. If a grant is availabile for conducting these trainings only then research nurses are not supposed to pay for these courses, in other case, research nurse are expected to have basic knowledge about these components before their hiring as research nurse. Currently, I am serving as president of Rho Delta Chapter, Sigam Theta Tau international (STTI) that is an Honor Society of Nursing established for nurses working globally. I am of view that nurses must join professional organizations like STTI which can offer them access to continuing education courses on evidence based practice, research designs, and grant writing etc. (some courses are offered free and some are offered at subsidized rates for the members of developing countries).


    Shela Hirani, IBCLC, MScN, BScN
    Assistant Professor
    Aga Khan University
    School of Nursing & Midwifery, Karachi, Pakistan

  • So CPD for the research nurse is quite important if at all could have one from the Institution/ hospital she is working. I am saying this since I have gained a lot from this short time I have being involved in CPD. I am a mentor to Medical students and I have receive a grant from(Medical Education Programme Initiative) MEPI-MTRP which is lead by US Medical group for conducting a mentor ship research on INTERFACE Study with Medical students. I have apply various skills during this period including:administrative and communication skills, mentor ship skills, research skills, social counseling which work very successfully and we have completed data collection now we are analyzing the data. Our pilot study we did we publish two papers which you may find through:

  • Hellow everyone,
    Well, in Tanzania particular in my Institution I am working Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute(KCRI) together with the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College (KCMUcO)University of Makura under the Malaria Capacity Development Consortium(MCDC) within MCDC African Partner Institutions we have initiated the Career Development Groups(CDG) within the areas of PDP, mentoring and postgraduate supervision and to set this development within a structure that supports sustainable development. The Career Development Groups will bring together the work that is already taking place within institutions, and promote the development of strong networks in these areas. i am the Mentoring group lead and my key roles are to works jointly with the Head of Career Development to plan programmes and activities, and ensure that the work of the Group stays on track. The Group Lead also has responsibility for establishing membership of the group, organizing meetings to discuss and develop the planned programmes and activities and use institutional structures to disseminate Career Development information and developments within the topic area
    We have just started, setting groups meeting. We are planing to meet with other partner Institutions to discuss the way forward. We couldn't meet in Senegal in August due to Ebola and now we are looking other venue in Africa so as we may meet. Other Institutions including:The College of Medicine, University of Malawi, Blantyre, Malawi and its research affiliates, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College, Moshi, Tanzania, The College of Health Sciences, University of Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, The Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, and the Faculty of Science and Technology, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal, The College of Health Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.

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