Miss Dorcas Kamuya - Expert Committee
About: For four years, I was the community liaison manager for KEMRI-Wellcome Research Programme in Kilifi, Kenya. Currently, am actively involved in strategic planning of community engagement activities at the research centre. Meanwhile am a full time PhD student registered with the Open University in UK. My research is around community engagement in biomedical research in developing countries, with a focus on interactions in community-based- studies of study teams (specifically field workers) and research participants and how these interactions evolve during conduct of study, and if and how they influence decision making around participation, retention and withdrawal from study; and the impact on institutional level policy making
Location: dkamuya@kilifi.kemri-wellcome.orgWebsite: http://www.kemri-wellcome.org/
Job: Social Scientist
- PhD student at KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Program