As an additional exercise, please consider a study that you are working on or that you will be an investigator on in the future (i.e. a study that is currently being designed and/or the focus of a grant application) when answering the questions below.
Please identify up to 5 conditions that may be diagnosed via study-related examinations, and/or are likely experienced by trial participants, for which the provision or facilitation of treatment would be considered ancillary care.
For each of these health conditions, using the ‘research for health justice’ theory, please consider whether you and your research team have a justice-based obligation to provide or facilitate ancillary care.
Please determine which of the health conditions you have identified are likely to occur in a form that is serious (severe, urgent, or both) and can be addressed at the level of individual action. Then determine, for those conditions that meet both criteria, which of them you and your research team have a duty of rescue to address by providing or facilitating ancillary care.
Please determine which of the health conditions you have identified fall within the scope of entrustment. Then assess the strength of your obligation to provide or facilitate ancillary care for those conditions that fall within the scope of entrustment using the partial-entrustment model.
If any of the conditions you have identified fall outside the scope of entrustment, please assess the strength of your obligation to provide or facilitate ancillary care for them using the whole-person model.
For which of the 5 conditions do all 4 models identify an ancillary care obligation? For which of the 5 conditions do at least 3 models identify an ancillary care obligation?