Course overview
Course created: January 2020
This short course should take 60–90 minutes to complete.
A certificate is issued once a minimum of 80% is achieved in the final quiz section.
Increasingly biomedical ethics committees are being asked to review applications to conduct social research (SR) on health-related topics. As with medical research, SR can involve risks of harm as well as potential benefits that need to be assessed in an ethics review process. However, these risks and benefits can be different from those in medical research. Ethics review of SR should be sensitive to how ethical issues in social research depart from the so-called ‘medical model’ of review.
Who should take this course?
This course is designed for biomedical research ethics committee members and managers who review health-related research protocols that use SR approaches, as well as for social researchers who are preparing protocols for review by biomedical research ethics committees. In particular, it aims to highlight some of the ethical issues that can arise in the conduct of qualitative SR.
Upon completion of this course, you will have an understanding of:
What SR is; including its disciplinary approaches, the types of data involved and common methods of data collection
Ethical considerations relevant to SR review and ways of addressing them
Governing SR: systems for administration and ethics governance
The authors thank both the internal and external peer reviewers who reviewed this course material.
Kate Sahan – Postdoctoral researcher in Responsible Research and Innovation as a global challenge, Erasmus School of Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Patricia Kingori – Associate Professor and Wellcome Senior Investigator, The Ethox Centre and Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities, University of Oxford
Susan Bull – Head, Bioethics, Research Ethics & Review, The Global Health Network
Helen Dell – Training Manager, The Global Health Network
Nicola Desmond – Senior Lecturer & Head of Behaviour & Health Group, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine & Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Programme
Jennifer Ilo Van Nuil – Global Health Bioethics Network Research Fellow, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City
Kathryn Dally – Senior Assistant Registrar (Ethics and Integrity), Research Services, University of Oxford
Application developer
- Kehkashan Shah – Training Assistant, The Global Health Network
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