Course Overview


This course should take 30-40 minutes to complete


A certificate is issued once a minimum of 80% is achieved in the final quiz section.


In contrast to genetic research, which focuses on individual genes, genomic research examines the whole of the genome. This course aims to provide an introduction and overview of the subject and is aimed at everyone involved in genomic research.


Upon completion of this course, you will have an understanding of:

  1. What genomic research is
  2. The types of research questions genomic research is seeking to answer
  3. How genomic research differs from other research
  4. Specific ethical issues to consider when reviewing genomic research


The Global Health Trials e-Learning Centre is built through the support and partnership of the World-Wide Antimalarial Resistance Network and The East African Consortium for Clinical Research.


  • Professor Michael Parker - Director, The Ethox Centre, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford
  • Dr Kirk Rockett - MalariaGEN,  University of Oxford
  • Dr Susan Bull - Centre for Genomics and Global Health, University of Oxford and The Ethox Centre, Department of Public Health, University of  Oxford
  • Dr Jantina De Vries - Department of Human Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town
  • Dr Angeliki Kerasidou - MalariaGEN, University of Oxford The Ethox Centre, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford


  • Professor Vajira H. W. Dissanayake - Professor and Medical Geneticist, Human Genetics Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Professor Patricia Marshall - PhD, Professor of Bioethics, Co-Director, Center for Genetic Research Ethics and Law, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, United States of America


This module has been funded by the Centre for Genomics and Global Health (CGGH) and supported by Welcome Trust Strategic Award 096527

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