Background  |  How to complete your PDS   |  Updating your PDS  

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The Global Health Network and TDR Professional Development Scheme has been specifically designed for all researchers working in the field of global health and provides a mechanism for capturing core competencies, qualifications and training. This Scheme offers all cadres of research staff a free, online system for maintaining an audited record of their professional development and gaining professional membership.

The Professional Development Scheme enables you to:

  • Record core competencies training, qualifications and build your CV
  • Build a portfolio that will develop with your career and learning and that stays with you through different roles
  • Securely and privately store copies of your certificates and other career development documents                          
  • Save your portfolio and generate PDFs of any elements
  • Join as part of an Affiliate Programme, enabling you to work with your team to track development over time

The Professional Development Scheme scores appropriately whether you are a recent graduate in your first post right through to a director managing a large research centre. Therefore, membership is appropriate and beneficial for all working in health research and clinical trials.

Your records are personal and can be used to manage, guide and plan your career and professional development. Your record is private and will not be publicly available. These reviews help to capture short, medium and long-term training goals and career development objectives.

How to complete Your PDS

To guide you through using the Scheme and how to complete each section please follow our user guide to support you step-by-step in completing your Professional Development Scheme.

The Scheme takes approximately 1–1.5 hours to complete but you can save and return at any point.

It may help to have access to your CV and any other relevant professional activities before you start completing the PDS.

You can access the user guide here.

Updating Your PDS

Once you have completed and submitted your profile it will take about four weeks for the moderation process and the awarding of your membership level to be completed. You will be awarded a score, together with the appropriate membership level and will receive a certificate. Your score and membership level will also appear on your profile.

Every 6 months you will be prompted to update your record and accrue additional points. Every 12 months you will be prompted to review your record with your line manager or a senior peer to discuss progress, training needs and goals. These reviews help to capture short, medium and long-term training goals and career development objectives.

To maintain a valid record you must update Your PDS every 12 months. If there is no activity on the form for longer than 12 months the member’s record will lapse and the points will be suspended.