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The PLOS library has assembled some interesting new collections focusing on specific topics related to NTDs:
One is on Visceral Leishmaniasis and HIV Co-Infection, accessible here. HIV has been identified as one of the emerging challenges for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) control: For VL, HIV infection dramatically increases the risk of progression from asymptomatic infection towards disease, and VL accelerates HIV disease progression. This problem is now increasingly being reported globally and is especially severe in some areas of Eastern Africa. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases has dedicated a special collection to VL-HIV co-infection in collaboration with Johan van Griensven, Ed Zijlstra and Asrat Hailu.
Second, a twinning collection comprising articles from PLoS Pathogens and PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, accessible here. The collection is featuring research articles on topics across the two journals, including: proteomics, kinetoplastids, insect vectors, genomics, and transcriptomics within the context of the NTDs.
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