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It is shortly after the Second World War and armies of men with canisters full of DDT invade villages and cities of Europe and the USA. Their mission? To kill the anopheline mosquitoes and once and for all eliminate malaria from these places. The heavily armed offence did its job in eliminating malaria - it is now difficult to imagine malaria pestering European citizens a mere decades ago. The anopheline mosquito however persisted, in some areas even in large numbers.
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  • thomasdambo55 Thomas Phillo Dambo 10 Jun 2016

    I think the International community have to look in to malaria Issue kingly,because it killed thousand of people in Africa as a whole,more especially the poor people who can not able to afford medical facilities on their own,So I think the Africa Government and their International partner have a greater task to play,The African government need to put mechanism in place by introducing free malaria treatment right across Africa Continent as a whole,I also want to thank the international partner the tremendous work they have been doing to save the life of African,by donating free malaria kits to higher learning institution like Universities,collages,and vocational Institutions ect