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Job Opportunities in Global Health
Please use this space to upload and discuss any upcoming job opportunities, just start a new discussion topic and get involved!
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Hello everyone, I'm Chukwunonso Udeh. I'm a Freelance CRA currently located in Lagos Nigeria. I have a Masters in Clinical Research from India. I have been monitoring for about 3 years now. ...
Training and Continued Professional Development
This group is an open space to discuss training opportunities, useful training resources/materials and any helpful information regarding continued professional development. Please get involved, share any useful resources and help others across this online research community.
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I am trying to find a good online course on conducting systematic reviews. This is for investigators based in LMIC countries so preferably should be free to access. Any suggestions?
The Global Health Training Centre e-Learning Courses
This discussion group has been created to provide an open space where anyone who has taken an e-Learning Course on the Global Health Training Centre can discuss the course with peers, ask questions of the course providers, offer feedback and contribute to the development of these evolving materials. Please feel free to start a new topic or join one of the ongoing discussion topics below.
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