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Research Principles & Methods (13 courses) | Social Science, Ethics & Communities (14 courses) | Data Management & Sharing (8 courses) |
Disease Specific Resources (14 courses) |
Introduction to Good Clinical Laboratory Practice ( GCLP)
Understanding GCLP and its application in laboratories. This peer reviewed course provides an introduction to GCLP, summarises the principles and offers an overview of the implementation of GCLP within a clinical trial.
✎ 1 module | 60-120 mins
🌎 English | Español | Français | Português
Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP)
Good Clinical Laboratory Practice is a multi-module course for all those wanting to gain an in-depth understanding of GCLP and how each principle of GCLP can be applied in clinical trial laboratory. Prerequisite: ICH Good Clinical Practice.
✎ 7 modules | 7 hours
🌎 English | Русский
Basic Malaria
The Basic Malaria Microscopy Learner’s Guide is a World Health Organisation (WHO) publication. The WHO have very kindly granted permission for the replication of the Guide in an e-learning format.
✎ 5 modules
30-45 mins per module | 🌎 English