The World Health Organization Fetal Growth Charts: A Multinational Longitudinal Study of Ultrasound Biometric Measurements and Estimated Fetal Weight
by Kiserud et alWHO made it a high priority to provide the present fetal growth charts for estimated fetal weight (EFW) and common ultrasound biometric measurements intended for worldwide use. This study provides WHO fetal growth charts for EFW and common ultrasound biometric measurements, and shows variation between different parts of the world.
Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium Safety Tools and Resources
by Global PharmacovigilanceResearch in pregnant and breastfeeding women is a complex area, with both the wellbeing of the mother and child paramount. Careful monitoring of any intervention to treat, or prevent, illness is required to ensure the benefits outweigh any harms. Read this article to find out more and download some of the safety tools developed by experts from the Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium.
Strategy for Standardization of Preeclampsia Research Study Design
INTERGROWTH-21st Very Preterm Size at Birth References and Z Scores (Standard Deviations)
by INTERGROWTH-21stThe INTERGROWTH-21st global references and z scores for head circumference, length and weight at birth of very preterm newborns are available to download below.
Damalie Nakanjako (MBChB, MMED, PhD) is an internist whose work focuses on optimizing HIV treatment outcomes and reducing HIV-associated morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa.
INTERGROWTH-21st in China
by INTERGROWTH-21stNew INTERGROWTH-21st International Postnatal Growth Standards for Preterm Infants - Charts available
by INTERGROWTH-21stNew INTERGROWTH-21st Postnatal Growth Standards charts for individual measurements of length, weight, head circumference, as well as a combined standards chart for length, weight and head circumference are now available for download here.
Postnatal growth standards for preterm infants: the Preterm Postnatal Follow-up Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project
by INTERGROWTH-21stThe first international stnadards for monitroing the growth of preterm babies have now been published in the Lancet Global Health (October 2015).
In this seminar from January 2014, Dr Jane Crawley talks about clinical standardisation in PERCH (Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health), a large case-control study of the causes of and risk factors for severe pneumonia.
In celebration of Global Health Trials' fifth birthday (May 11th 2015) Professor Trudie Lang, Principal Investigator of the programme, talks to us about why Global Health Trials was started, why people should share their experience, and what the future holds.